Franciszek Krawczyk, PhD is a part-time research assistant in the Scholarly Communication Research Group of Adam Mickiewicz University. Currently, he is engaged in the project “Origins and development of the peripheral academic capitalism in Poland (1990-2021)” and preparing an application for an original project about the history of Polish academic publishing.
He recently wrote a PhD thesis in philosophy, “Science without centre? Resistance against the domination of the centre in academic peripheries,” where he contributes to a reinterpretation of world-system analysis as focused on strategies of resistance rather than on mechanisms of domination. His PhD and MA thesis (“Scholarly Communication in the Model of Centro-Peripheral Dependencies: The Case of Predatory Journals”,) were part of the Evaluation game project.
Research Interests: geography of knowledge, history of academic publishing, predatory journals, world-system analysis, sociology of science
Taşkın, Z., Krawczyk, F., & Kulczycki, E. (2023). Are papers published in predatory journals worthless? A geopolitical dimension revealed by content-based analysis of citations. Quantitative Science Studies, 1–24.
Krawczyk, Franciszek & Kulczycki, Emanuel (2021). On the Geopolitics of Academic Publishing: The Mislocated centres of Scholarly Communication. Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society [accepted for publication]
Kulczycki, E., Hołowiecki, M., Taşkın, Z., & Krawczyk, F. (2021). Citation patterns between impact-factor and questionable journals. Scientometrics, 1-20.
Krawczyk, Franciszek & Kulczycki, Emanuel (2021). How is open access accused of being predatory? The impact of Beall’s lists of predatory journals on academic publishing. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 47(2), 102271.
Kulczycki, E., Rozkosz, E., Szadkowski, K., Ciereszko, K., Hołowiecki, M., & Krawczyk, F. (2020). Local use of metrics for the research assessment of academics: The case of Poland. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 1–19.
Krawczyk, Franciszek. (2020). Geopolityka drapieżnych czasopism: Pozorne centra w globalnym systemie produkcji wiedzy. Nauka, 1, 133–149. DOI: 10.24425/nauka.2020.132626
Research visits:
2022 (March-June) – research visit to the Centre for Higher Education Futures, Danish School of Education, Aarhus University.
Conference presentations:
Franciszek Krawczyk “The imagination of anti-systemic solidarity or compliance to imperialism? A case of Polish socialist students’ journal “Po prostu” (1947 – 1953)”, 5th Annual Philosophy and Theory of Higher Education Society Conference, Gdańsk, June 2023
Franciszek Krawczyk “Non-determinism of academic world-system: connecting studies of resistance with a center-periphery framework”, 4th Annual Philosophy and Theory of Higher Education Society Conference, Uppsala, 7-9 June 2022
Franciszek Krawczyk, ’Unequal exchange’ and academic publishing: how can the concept reshape perspective on policy?, European Universities – Critical Futures. Keystone Conference, 13-15 December 2021
Franciszek Krawczyk (2021), Autonomous and heteronomous resistance: Polish academia against the hegemony of the West, Kaleidoscope Conference 2021, Cambridge (online), 3-4 June 2021
Franciszek Krawczyk, Emanuel Kulczycki (2019). O metodologicznych wyzwaniach definiowania drapieżności w akademii (Methodological challenges in defining predatory conferences), O konferencji naukowej… i jej fenomenie społeczno-kulturowym (About academic conference… and its socio-cultural phenomenon), Cieszyn, 15 March 2019