Ivan Kislenko

Dr. Ivan Kislenko is a postdoctoral fellow at the Scholarly Communication Research Group employed in the project “Investigating the Relationship between Science Diplomacy and Global DGT: The Role of Inclusive Metascience Observatories (IMSO4DIPLO)”

He defended his doctoral dissertation, “The Idea of Global Sociology in the International Sociological Agenda: Unity and Diversity of Interpretations,” and obtained a double PhD degree in Sociology from Higher School of Economics (Russia) and Ghent University (Belgium) in 2022.

Ivan Kislenko was a research assistant at the Centre for Fundamental Sociology (Higher School of Economics), visiting researcher at the Centre for Social Theory (Ghent University) and was awarded with the Fulbright Research Fellowship to work at George Mason University (USA). He was also a visiting postdoctoral fellow at the University of Graz (Austria), Lund University (Sweden), Slovak Academy of Sciences (Slovakia) and Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich (Germany). His research interests are global social theory, studies of social sciences and humanities (SSSH) as well as sociology of sociology, education and science.


Twitter: https://x.com/Kisloy3

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ivan-Kislenko-2

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8884-8609

Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57211608446

Web of Science: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/Y-6972-2018

Linktree: https://linktr.ee/ivankislenko

Email: ivan.kislenko@fulbrightmail.org; ivan.kislenko@amu.edu.pl

Selected publications

  • Kislenko I. & Connell R. (2025). Southern Theory, Knowledge Production and Russia’s War in Ukraine: An Interview with Raewyn Connell. Current Sociology, Vol. 73(1), p. 105-119.
  • Kislenko I. (2024). Between North and South: Decolonial Isolationism of Russian Social Science in the State of War and Beyond. European Societies, Vol. 26(3), p. 740-772.
  • Kislenko I. (2024). Ideological Production of Knowledge in Late- and Post-Soviet Sociological Doctoral Dissertations: A Comparative Study of Two Academies. Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research. Forthcoming in the special issue “Reconceptualizing Academic Freedom: Perspectives from Inside and Out”.
  • Dale, J. G., & Kislenko, I. (2022). Invitation to transnational sociology. In: Global Agenda for Social Justice 2 (pp. 109-119). Policy Press.
  • Kislenko I. (2021). Debates on Global Sociology: ‘Unity and Diversity’ of Interpretations. The American Sociologist, vol. 52(3), p. 579-590.