Krystian Szadkowski

Krystian Szadkowski, PhD is a researcher at the Scholarly Communication Research Group of Adam Mickiewicz University. His interests cover Marxist political economy and transformations of higher education systems in Central Eastern Europe, as well as the issues of the public and the common in higher education. He worked as a researcher for Education International (Brussels, Belgium) and as a consultant in policy projects funded by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. In 2018 he was a visiting researcher at Centre for Global Higher Education, Institute of Education, University College London.


Research interests: political ontology, political economy of higher education, critical university studies

Curriculum Vitae

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Professional experience:

2020 (February, March) – visiting researcher, Centre for Global Higher Education, The University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.

2019 (June) – visitng researcher, Centre for Higher Education Futures, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.

2018 (January-March) – visiting researcher, Centre for Global Higher Education, UCL Institute of Education, London, UK.

2015 – present – assistant professor, Institute of Philosophy, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland.

2010–2013 – Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher in Research Institute of Education International, Brussels, Belgium.

2010 – 2019 – researcher, Center for Public Policy Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland (since 2016: also Program coordinator).

Selected research projects

2019-2020Public good and the common good in the context of the functioning of the system of higher education and science in Poland. Comparative perspectives. Funding: NCN. PI: Krystian Szadkowski.

2018-2021 European Universities – Critical Futures. Funding: Research Fund Denmark (steering group member, investigator). PI: Prof. Susan Wright.

2017-2018 Brexit and higher education in the UK and Europe: Towards a cross – country investigation, Funding: UCL seed grant (investigator). PI: Prof. Simon Marginson.

2016-2018 – scholarship of Polish Foundation for Science within research project, Institutional Autonomy and the Models of Adaptation of Polish Universities to a Changing Social and Economic Environment (2005 – 2015). Funding: FNP (core investigator). PI: Prof. Marek Kwiek.

2014-2018 – research project HARMONIA – European Flagship Universities: Balancing Academic Excellence and Socio-Economic Relevance (FLAGSHIP), Funding: NCN (core investigator). PI: Prof. Marek Kwiek.

2012-2017 – research project MAESTRO – International Comparative Research Program in Higher Education, Funding: NCN (investigator). PI: Prof. Marek Kwiek.

2010-2013 – research project Marie Curie Initial Training Network EDUWEL – Education as Welfare: Enhancing opportunities for socially vulnerable youth in Europe. Funding: 7th Framework Programme, European Commission, no. 238646 (core investigator). PI: Prof. Hans Uwe Otto.

Higher Education Policy Projects:

2016–2018 – policy-oriented research project “Academic Excellence: Competitiveness, Measurement, Internationalization (from Empirical Research to Higher Education reforms).”, Funding: Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education – 300.000 EUR (core investigator).

2016 – policy-oriented research project “Higher Education Law 2.0” (preparation of the White Paper for new higher education law in Poland), Funding: Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education – 75.000 EUR (core investigator).


Szadkowski, Krystian (2015), Uniwersytet jako dobro wspólne. Podstawy krytycznych badań nad szkolnictwem wyższym [University as the common. Foundations of critical higher education research], Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN: Warszawa, pp. 360.

Selected edited volumes

Szadkowski, Krystian, Szreder, Kuba and Jan Sowa et al. (eds.) (2014). Joy Forever. Political Economy of Social Creativity. MayFly Books: London, pp. 274.

Sowa, Jan and Krystian Szadkowski (eds.) (2011). Edu-factory. Samoorganizacja i opór
w fabrykach wiedzy
[Edu-factory. Self-organization and ressistance in the knowledge factories]. Korporacja Ha!art: Kraków, pp. 324.

Selected articles:

Szadkowski, Krystian (2021). The public good and higher education in Poland. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. DOI: 10.1080/03057925.2021.1987194 [Preprint]

Szadkowski, Krystian and Krzeski, Jakub (2021). The common good and academic freedom in Poland. Higher Education Quarterly. DOI: 10.1111/hequ.12349 [Preprint]

Kulczycki, Emanuel, Rozkosz, Ewa, Szadkowski Krystian et. al. (2021). Local use of metrics for the research assessment of academics: the case of Poland. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 43(4): 435-453, DOI: 10.1080/1360080X.2020.1846243 

Krawczyk, Stanisław, Szadkowski, Krystian and Kulczycki Emanuel (2021). Identifying top researchers in highly metricized academia:   Two discursive strategies of senior officials in Poland. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education DOI: 10.1080/01596306.2021.1993792 [Preprint]

Szadkowski, Krystian and Krzeski, Jakub (2021). The future is always-already now: Instituent praxis and the activist university. Policy Futures in Education 19(5): 554-567. DOI:10.1177/14782103211003445

Kulczycki, Emanuel, Kolasa, Władysław and Szadkowski, Krystian (2021). Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Stalin as highly cited researchers? Historical bibliometrics study. Scientometrics 126: 8683–8700. DOI: 10.1007/s11192-021-04126-3  

Szadkowski, Krystian (2019). The common in higher education: a conceptual approach. Higher Education 78(2), p. 241–255. (also in Spanish and Polish)

Szadkowski, Krystian and Jakub Krzeski (2019). In, Against, and Beyond: A Marxist Critique for Higher Education in Crisis. Social Epistemology 33(6), p. 463-476.

Szadkowski, Krystian (2019). An Autonomist Marxist Perspective on Productive and Un-productive Academic Labour. TripleC 17(1), p. 111-131.

Szadkowski, Krystian and Jakub Krzeski (2019). Political ontologies of the future university: individual, public, common. Philosophy and Theory in Higher Education 1(3).

Szadkowski, Krystian (2016). Socially Necessary Impact/Time: Notes on The Acceleration of Academic Labor, Metrics and the Transnational Association of Capitals, Teorie Vědy/Theory of Science Vol. XXXVIII, no. 1, pp. 1-30.

Szadkowski, Krystian (2016), Towards an Orthodox Marxian Reading of Subsumption(s) of Academic Labour under Capital. Workplace: A Journal for Academic Labor Vol. 28, pp. 9-29.

Szadkowski, Krystian (2015). Towards a University as an Institution of the Common: Critical and Marxist Higher Education Research in Context, Cadernos CIMEAC Vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 8-31. (also in Portuguese).

Szadkowski, Krystian (2014). The Long Shadow of Doctoral Candidate Status. Case Study – Poland, Social Work & Society Vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 1-17.

Selected chapters:

Rekret, Paul and Krystian Szadkowski (2020). “Intellectual Property”. In. Sara R. Farris, Svenja Bromberg, Toscano, Alberto, Sage Handbook of Marxism. SAGE: Thousands Oaks.

Kwiek, Marek and Krystian Szadkowski. (2018). “Higher Education Systems and Institutions, Poland”. In. Teixeira, Pedro and Jung Cheol Shin (et al.) (eds.). Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions. Springer: Dodrecht.

Szadkowski, Krystian (2018). “Let’s not get hysterical about Brexit. The Consequences of Brexit for Polish Science and Higher Education. In. A. Courtois (ed.). Higher education and Brexit: current European perspectives. CGHE: London.

Szadkowski, Krystian (2017), “The University of the Common. Beyond the Contradictions of Higher Education Subsumed under Capital”. In. M. Izak, M. Kostera, M. Zawadzki (eds.), The Future of the University Education. Palgrave: Basingstoke.